Golden Leaf

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Celebrating Nico's 8th birthday

Hi. We have been pretty busy here. Nicolas and I have been
trying to fight off colds but we are losing BIG TIME!! Over the
weekend we celebrated Nicolas's birthday. We had our families
over and he really had fun. I decorated the house and put up a
sign saying "Happy Birthday Nicolas". It went in the window. He
got a lot of things. Mainly DS games which is o.k. We had fun
but we are happy it is over.

Well, almost over................

AHHHH..... the things we do for our kids. This coming Sunday
we are taking Nico and a couple of his buddies bowling. This
should be fun.

Well, that's it for now. We wish all of you a warm and great

Friday, November 6, 2009


Wow! I can't believe how fast Halloween came and went. We think this year was the last year for Nico to go
trick o treating. He's O.K. with that because he rather hand out the candy. This year he went as a " Strongman
weightlifter". Vince is in training right now to compete in a Strong Man competition, so Nico wanted to dress
like him. We found a shirt that said " Future Champion" and he wore the rest of Vinces gear.

He had a lot of fun. We are happy it's over through. Now we have to get ready for Nicolas's 8th birthday.
We hope everyone had a good Halloween as well. Please send pictures and/or updates about your kids etc.