Golden Leaf

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

" May the Force be with You."

Hi everyone! This past Saturday, we went and saw Star Wars in Concert @ the Bradley center.
We got there early because there was so many cool things that you could see and take pictures of. There were professional people in costumes that were walking around. You could get your picture taken with them if you wanted. Plus, there were backdrops that you could stand in front of and get your picture take. Some people there that came to watch the show were dressed up like their favorite person. Adults and kids alike. It was good people watching for Vince and I. Some of these people went all out to dress up like there favorite character, make-up and all. It sure was crazy to see.

The concert was outstanding!!! It was about 2 1/2 hours long, with a 20 minute intermission.
They told the story with live music, bits and pieces of the movies and with a light show.
It was beautifully done. It was okay if you missed one of the movies, because you could still understand who was who and the story. I did miss one of the newer Star Wars movies but I was still able to follow who was who, who did what to who and so on.
The guy who played C3PO hosted the concert. Everything about it was incredible!!!! It was money well spent. We had an amazing time. It felt good to watch Nicolas's reaction to everything going on around us. From the concert itself to the people ( fans ) walking around.
He was in aw all day. That was cool for us to see.

Our 4th of July was very quiet. Vince was on call the whole weekend. So we couldn't really do anything. He was gone all day on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, Nico and I went to a friends house to watch the fireworks. Vince made it just in time to see them. So that was good. On
Saturday we had our first " Family Slumber Party ". We pulled out blankets, pillows and chairs so we could make a big tent in the living room. It's where we slept, too. We watched a couple of movies and shared popcorn and had ice cream. Nicolas insisted that we make a spot for Montana too. We did of course. She got her special ice cream too. She thought this was fun time but she relaxed after awhile. Luckily, Vince made it home just in time to show Nico how to make a tent. Which was something that Vince was looking forward to doing with Nicolas.

This was Nicolas's first time making a tent and sleeping in the living room. So, this was a big thing for him, and for us, too. We realized that he is growing up so fast. It won't be long now
before he is asking for friends to spend the night. WOW!!!! Where did the time go????
Other than that, we are keeping busy with school and swimming. We hope all of you had a great 4th of July!!!
Lots of love to all of you:)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Our turn to be heard!

Hi everyone. Today, we had our first of many court dates that has to do with our attempted break-in last March. For starters, he showed up an hour late for court. He was dressed like a
gangster, dirty clothes and all. He moved here a year ago from California. He is on probation there for vandalism of over $400.00 in damage. Here in WI, he has been charged with 3 misdemeanors and a felony charge. The judge said that he could be charge as an adult for the felony. At the next court date it will determine whether we go to a jury trial or not. Then I would have to testify. We are hoping that won't happen.
He was very disrespectful towards the judge and @ first, refused to sign the 3 " No contact " orders against him. They brought in another officer @ which time he did sign the papers. He kept up with his outbursts. Saying things like, " I don't even know this people. This is garbage. "
The judge shut him up pretty quickly though. He let him know that he won't tolerate his attitude.
The judge was AWESOME!!!!

After the judge explain his rights to him, he asked for his plea which was " Not Guilty. "
Big surprise there!!!
I had to write a Crime Victim Impact Statement, which is letting the judge know how this crime has impacted me and my family. I did so. Everyone including this thug & his family,
will read what I wrote. Well, because of what I wrote, the ADA asked to have him put away
until the next hearing date. She said that she couldn't believe how " bold " he is and that he is " terrorizing " our neighborhood. She also felt that he is a " flight risk ". The judge agreed.

He will be held in detention until a spot opens up @ the shelter located behind the courthouse.
We watched him get cuffed and then we were lead out of the courtroom. I will never feel 100% safe again but knowing he will be out of neighborhood is a relief! But the best thing was watching the officers put the handcuffs on him. We couldn't help but smile.

The ADA came to us after everything was done to thank us for attending the hearing today. She said it helped and really made a difference.
The judge saw that we are serious about this and that we want to see justice done. We want our neighborhood back.

We will keep you posted with anything new. We hope everyone enjoys the 4th of July!!