Golden Leaf

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Hi everyone. I know it's been awhile since I posted anything. Things have been
pretty crazy around here lately. But, I wanted to let everyone know about
Nico's last swim meet. We survived the water main break from this past weekend.
We also had a little scare with my back problems. I was having problems with
my bladder. I wasn't able to pee. The doctor fears the remaining discs are deteriorating
faster than expected. The fear is that a nerve could be pressing against my bladder or a nerve is pressing against something that it effected my bladder. I could see a surgeon & do a couple of very painful tests to
maybe find out what is happening or just keep going the way we have been & hope for the best.
We are still talking about what will be best for our family. We'll keep you posted.

O.K. now about Nico!
On 1/21, Nico had a swim meet against the Boys & Girls Club.
It was a small group this time so it didn't take as long. Because of that, Our kids, So. Milw. Sharks, swam just about all of the races. Nico swam 5 races which is alot for a meet his age.
Also, he was swimming against kids that were older than him. So, it was an interesting
meet. For the very first time, Nico swam the I.M. O.K. that is the Individual Medley.
Which is swimming 4 different kinds of strokes back to back, 100 yards.
The stroke you start with is:
- the Backstroke, then the Butterfly, then the Breaststroke, and the last one is the Freestyle.
He took 1st place with a time of 2:19!!

The second event was:
- the Butterfly, 25 yards, with a time of 26.79.
He took 1st place!!

The third event was:
-the Backstroke, 25 yards, with a time of 23.87.
He took 2nd place!!

The fourth event was:
-the Freestyle, 25 yards, with a time of 19 seconds.
He took 3rd place!!

The last event was a Relay. 4 teammates swim this event. Each one swims a stroke twice or 50 yards.
Nico swam the Backstroke, 50 yards. The team came in 2nd place with a time of 2:44.72!!
These meets are so much fun. The best part of this is that Nico is having a great time. He
has another meet on Friday, wish us luck!
We would love to hear from you, so reply if you can. Take care & stay warm.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

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