Golden Leaf

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The next chapter in the local criminal

Hi everyone. We have an up-date on the break-in that happened in March that we want to share with you. On 5/26, I went to pick Nicolas up from school and the " loser " and a friend were there. He is NOT allowed on school grounds but there he was. As I waited for Nico, they started staring at me, pointing, and throwing up gangs signs. Then his friend charged at me. He ran full force at me, veering off at the last minute. They laughed and continued the harassment. We went home right away. We called the police and filed a compliant against him.
The following day was worse. Nicolas and I were walking home from school when I noticed him
and his friend following us home. We called the police right away and they ran back to his house.
Police showed up and questioned them and of course they lied. The cops let them go. Now Nicolas
knows what is going on. It took us a long time and a lot of talking to make him feel safe again.
I'm showing him how to unlock the front doors and we had to sent up a " code " word and where he should run to, to get help.
The crossing guards and some of the moms know as well, so they will help if needed.
We called the Police Chief of South Milwaukee to complain and to our surprise she called us back. He has 5 criminal charges on him that are pending, including ours.
Our case was given to CCC on 5/24. They have 40 business days to review it and send it to the ADA. He has 20 business days to review it. If he feels that it's worth the time to go further
then he gives the case to a judge to review it. Then we go from there.
We can't get a " no contact order " until the ADA has looked at it.

So, we are going to call the ADA on Monday( again ) and let him know what has been going on.
If need be, we will be the BIGGEST pain in the ass that he's ever had.
For the time being, we walk home with other parents and kids to be safe. Just 4 more days
to go. It can't come fast enough. I hope this all makes sense. I'm trying to get all of the facts in this, so I'm sorry if it doesn't.

We will keep you posted as we move along. Lots of love to all of you.

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